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Encore! 2020: Party In The USA

Eagan High School - Spring 2020

Stage Manager

Encore! is Eagan High School's large-scale show choir performance. The show made it through auditions and the first three weeks of rehearsals before being canceled due to COVID. This cast was made up of 72 singers and dancers and was planned to have a crew of about 15. Below are documents I created early in the production process as well as documents I was preparing to use as the Stage Manager.

MY Encore To-Do-1.png

After my experience managing You Can't Take It With You, I identified many ways that I could improve. At the beginning of the audition process, I put together this list of questions and potential issues that I anticipated having during the production of the show.

I intended to use this to guide meetings with my directors so that I could stay organized during all phases of production and so that I could continue looking ahead to future concerns or tasks.

Encore 2020 Full Cast Contacts - NEW PDF-1.png

I created this master contact list for the leadership team to use for creating email lists, creating rehearsal schedules, contacting individual cast members, and costuming. 

Sheet Music For Elle-1.png

As part of my preparatory work, I went through each song in the show and chose which versions of the scores I wanted in my binder for calling the show. This list helped me to keep track of the status of each song and reminded me which ones I was still missing so that I could ask for updates from the directors.

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